Главная » 2015 » Май » 18 » Как связать шарф с зигзагообразным узором
Как связать шарф с зигзагообразным узором

Как связать шарф с зигзагообразным узором

5 части:Создание основысоздание первого рядаPart Three: Working the Second RowPart Four: Working the Remaining ScarfPart Five: Adding the Final Touches

Зигзагообразный узор - новый тренд и несколькими простыми швами вы можете превратить простые полоски в модный шарф. После создания основы, вы можете оставить шарф как он есть, либо you can either leave it as a standard scarf or transform it into an infinity scarf.


Часть 1 из 5: Создание основы

  1. 1 Выберите два цвета. Вы можете выбрать любые два цвета, но учтите, что структура и плотность волокна должны быть одинаковыми для обеих нитей.
    • Первая нить будет обозначена как A и вторая как B.
    • Тонкая, легкая, в идеале комвольная пряжа - намного лучше подходит для данного узора, но вы можете легко поэкспериментировать с другими видами.
    • Если вы используете легкую пряжу, то возьмите крючок E (3.5 мм). Для тонкой пряжи используйте крючок G (4.0 мм). Для пряжи камвольного веса используйте крючок I или J (5.5 или 6.0 мм).
    • 2 Привяжите нить на крючок A. Привяжите нить A на крючок используя простой узел.
      • Для узла:
        • Сделайте петлю через присоединенный конец нити за свободный конец.
        • Проденьте прикрепленную часть через петлю, создав тем самым вторую петлю.
        • Затяните первую петлю вокруг второй.
        • Проденьте крючок через вторую петлю, затем затяните на нем вторую петлю.
        • 3 Петля 34. Зделайте строчку из 34 петель.
          • Сделайте тамбурный шов:
            • Обматайте нить вокруг крючка.
            • Потяните за нить через петлю на вашем крючке.

            Часть 2 из 5: создание первого ряда

            1. 1 Двойная петля. Сделайте двойную петлю с третьего звена также потянув крючок на себя.
              • При подсчете петель не учитывайте ту, что на вашем крючке.
              • Для двойной петли:
                • Завяжите нить вокруг крючка.
                • Вставьте крючок в стежок.
                • Подденьте крючком нить. Потяните крючок на себя, создавая тем самым новую петлю.
                • Подденьте крючком нить. Потяните крючок на себя через предыдущие две петли.
                • Подденьте крючком нить снова. Проведите эту нить через последние две петли на вашем крючке.
                • 2 Сделайте серию подобных двойных петель. Вам необходимо будет проделать подобные петли на протяжении следующих 13 стежков. Но колличество двойных стежков будет различно между собой.
                  • Сделайте одну двойную петлю на следующих шести стежках.
                  • Затем сделайте три двойных стежка.
                  • Делайте двойную петлю на каждой из последующих шести петель также.
                  • 3 Decrease over three stitches. Double crochet once into all of the next three chains.[1]
                    • Чтобы удвоить double crochet decrease over three stitches:
                      • Подденьте крючком нить.
                      • Вставьте крючок с задней стороны первой петли из трех.
                      • Подденьте крючком нить снова. Потяните петлю через переднюю часть стежка.
                      • Подцепите нить крючком и потяните за нее через две первые петли.
                      • Повторите процесс с задней части петли второго стежка. Подцепите нить и вставьте крючок во вторую из трех петель over and insert the hook into the second of the three stitches, then yarn over and pull the loop to the front. Yarn over once more and pull it through the first two loops on your hook.
                      • Repeat the process in the back loop of the third stitch. Yarn over the hook and insert it into the last of the three stitches, then yarn over and pull the loop through to the front of the stitch. Yarn over again and pull it through the first two loops on the hook.
                      • Yarn over one last time, and pull it through the remaining four loops on your hook.
                      • 4 Work another series of double crochet. Double crochet into the next 13 chains, varying the amount as follows.
                        • Double crochet once into each of the next six stitches.
                        • Double crochet three times into the chain that comes next.
                        • Double crochet once into each of the six stitches that follow that.
                        • 5 Decrease over two stitches. Double crochet once over both of the next two chains to make another double crochet decrease.
                          • To double crochet decrease over two stitches:
                            • Yarn over the hook.
                            • Insert the hook into the back loop of the first stitch.
                            • Yarn over the hook again, then pull it through to the front of the stitch to form a loop.
                            • Yarn over again and pull that yarn-over through the first two loops on your hook.
                            • Repeat the procedure into the next stitch. Yarn over the hook and insert it into the back loop of the second stitch. Yarn over again and pull the loop to the front. Yarn over once more and pull it through the first two loops.
                            • Yarn over one last time and pull it through the remaining three loops on your hook.
                            • 6 Chain two. Work two chain stitches from the loop on your hook.
                              • These chain stitches act as a "turning chain." In other words, they set the row height for your next row.
                              • After completing this turning chain, the first row is finished. Turn the work before continuing to the next row.

                              Часть 3 из 5: Part Three: Working the Second Row

                              1. 1 Double crochet into the second through eighth stitches. Skip the two chain stitches and the first double crochet of the previous row. Then, double crochet once into each of the next seven stitches.
                                • Work each double crochet into the back loops only.
                                • 2 Work a series of double crochet. You will need to double crochet into the back loops of the next seven stitches, but the amount will vary for each stitch.
                                  • Double crochet three times into the back loop of the next stitch.
                                  • Double crochet once into the back loops of each of the following six stitches.
                                  • 3 Decrease over three stitches. Work a double crochet decrease over the next three stitches.
                                  • 4 Work another series of double crochet. You will need to double crochet into the back loops of each of the next 13 stitches, but the number of double crochets made into each stitch will vary.
                                    • Double crochet once into each of the next six stitches.
                                    • Double crochet three times into the stitch that follows.
                                    • Double crochet once into each of the following six stitches, too.
                                    • 5 Decrease over two stitches. Work a double crochet decrease over the next and final two stitches in the row.
                                      • This completes the second row. Turn the work, but do not create a turning chain for the next row yet.

                                      Часть 4 из 5: Part Four: Working the Remaining Scarf

                                      1. 1 Change to yarn B. Switch to your second yarn color before beginning the third row.[2]
                                        • Loosely loop yarn B around the tip of the hook, just above the loop already on your hook. Leave a 4-inch (10-cm) tail of yarn B.
                                        • Pull the yarn B yarn-over through the yarn A loop on your hook. A should be removed from the hook, leaving a loop of B in its place.
                                        • Cut yarn A, leaving a 4-inch (10-cm) tail to weave in later.
                                        • 2 Chain two. Work two chain stitches from the loop on your hook.
                                          • This creates a turning chain and sets the height for your next row.
                                          • 3 Repeat the second row until the scarf reaches your desired length. Follow the same set of instructions used to complete the second row for each remaining row of the scarf.
                                            • For each row:
                                              • Skip the first double crochet stitch.
                                              • Double crochet once into each of the next seven stitches.
                                              • Double crochet three times into the stitch that follows.
                                              • Double crochet once into each of the next six stitches.
                                              • Decrease over three stitches.
                                              • Double crochet once into the following six stitches.
                                              • Double crochet three times into the stitch after that.
                                              • Double crochet once into each of the following six stitches.
                                              • Decrease over two stitches.
                                              • At the end of each row, chain two to create a turning chain for the next row, then turn the work over before beginning the next row.
                                              • Repeat as often as needed until the scarf reaches a length of 72 inches (183 cm) or your desired length.
                                              • 4 Swap colors every two rows. Change colors, alternating back and forth between A and B, following the same technique used to change colors the first time.
                                                • Always change colors before completing the turning chain. Do not change after creating the turning chain.
                                                • Make sure that your scarf ends with two rows of yarn B.

                                                Часть 5 из 5: Part Five: Adding the Final Touches

                                                Option One: Adding Fringe

                                                1. 1 Fasten off the yarn. Cut the yarn, leaving a 4-inch (10-cm) tail. Pull this tail through the loop on your hook to bind off the end.
                                                  • At this point, it's a good idea to weave this tail and all other tails into the back of the scarf.
                                                  • If desired, you can leave the scarf in its current state and wear it as is. The decorative fringe is recommended, but not strictly necessary.
                                                  • 2 Cut 60 lengths of fringe. Cut 60 pieces of yarn, each measuring 12 inches (30.5 cm) long.[3]
                                                    • Of these 60 pieces, 30 should be from yarn A and 30 should be from yarn B.
                                                    • 3 Separate the fringe into groups. Divide the pieces of fringe into 20 groups, each consisting of three strands.
                                                      • Each group should contain three strands of the same color. Do not mix colors within each group.
                                                      • 4 Tie the groups onto both ends. Evenly arrange 10 groups along each edge. Tie each group onto an appropriate stitch along the corresponding edge.
                                                        • Insert all three strands through the stitch. Center them over the stitch, then tie them into a standard knot over the outer edge of the stitch.
                                                        • You have three options concerning the positioning of your fringe:
                                                          • Arrange all A fringe on the A edge and all B fringe on the B edge.
                                                          • Arrange all A fringe on the B edge and all B fringe on the A edge.
                                                          • Switch back and forth between groups of A fringe and groups of B fringe on both edges.
                                                          • 5 Tidy as needed. Use scissors to carefully trim the fringe so that the strands lie even with one another.
                                                            • After you complete this step, the scarf is complete.

                                                            Option Two: Making an Infinity Scarf

                                                            1. 1 Fold the scarf in half. Fold the scarf in half so that the two ends are brought together.
                                                              • Do not allow the scarf to twist as you fold it.
                                                              • The "wrong" side of the scarf should face outward.
                                                              • Make sure that the peaks and valleys of each chevron stripe match evenly when placed together.
                                                              • 2 Slip stitch the ends together. Work a slip stitch into each set of stitches along the ends of the scarf. Continue from one side to the other.[4]
                                                                • To slip stitch two stitches together:
                                                                  • Insert the hook into the opposite stitch.
                                                                  • Yarn over the hook once.
                                                                  • Pull the yarn-over through the loops on your hook.
                                                                  • 3 Fasten off the yarn. Cut the yarn, leaving a 4-inch (10-cm) tail. Pull this tail through the loop on your hook to bind off the end.
                                                                    • Weave this tail and all other tails into the back of the scarf using a tapestry needle.
                                                                    • After completing this step, the scarf is finished.

                                                                    Что вам понадобится

                                                                    • 2 skeins yarn, color A
                                                                    • 2 skeins yarn, color B
                                                                    • Crochet hook, any size from E through J (3.5 mm through 6.0 mm)
                                                                    • Scissors
                                                                    • Tapestry needle
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